Monday, December 20, 2010

Month 14: Optimization, Machine Architecture 2 and Megatouch

Just finished up the dreaded month of December at Full Sail. There is nothing that will simulate real-world crunch time then December at Full Sail. On a normal month we cram a semester into 4 weeks. On December we cram a semester into 2 weeks. 13 days straight was a challenge that defiantly made us grow. Barry McCall taught us how to benchmark our applications to find hotspots and Gary Miller taught us how to program directly to the hardware to make Game Boy Advance games.

In Optimization, we used Intel’s V-Tune to detect problem areas in our programs. We learned how to break down complex issues to find what is really causing the problem on either the CPU or GPU. Determining whether your application is compute, I/O, vertex, shader bound or a variety of other boundness is one of the most important parts to cleaning up your program. We also discussed how multi-threading could actually slow down your application as well as how to design your application with optimization in mind.

In Machine Architecture 2, we used a new environment to program for the GBA. We learned all the different purpose registers and modes the GBA can use. We learned how to burn our game onto a cartridge using a devkit. We learned how important memory and speed are on a handheld device and how little optimizations could help a lot. We had many reading assignments and homework assignments that expanded on each other in order to give us a well-rounded view of programming for the GBA.

Some executives from Megatouch came this month and talked to us about finding a job in the industry. They told us what they look for in potential employees. They told us what to say and what not to say and not to be nervous during the interview process. Their advice was very helpful and I am thankful for the Megatouch arcade they have given to Full Sail.
Even though this month was very hectic, I still feel like I learned a great deal. Not only did I learn valuable optimization techniques but I also learned how to program for a handheld device. I you asked me a month ago if I would be able to program Ninja Gaiden on the GBA, I would have said heck-no. However, know I could answer confidently, yes.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Month 13: Engine Development 1, Machine Architecture 1 and the Orlando Coding Dojo

This month we learned a great deal on the structure of software whether it’s within a game or computer. In Engine Development 1, Jonathan Burnside taught us many techniques that come in handy when dealing with the common dilemmas faced when creating a game. In Machine Architecture 1, Ryan Van Dyke taught us how computers deal with memory and how we as programmers can gain access with assembly code.

In Engine Development 1 we covered topics like collision detection, spatial system hierarchies and camera behaviors. We had a refresher on our physics and used many techniques to implement our collision detection. During lab, we would have to write our own solutions for different modules in the engine. A individual project was also assigned in which we got to choose between implementing realistic shadow mapping or replacing a OpenGL rendering module with DirectX. I chose DirectX and learned a good deal of rendering techniques and tricks, as well as how to switch out module and the challenge of the unknown differences.

In Machine Architecture 1, we got down to bits and bytes again.  We learned how computers store complex numbers and addresses. We learned about the hardware and how it communicates throughout different systems. The labs were in assembly it was interesting to get down to such a basic level dealing directly with registers, the stack and basic functions. 

The second half of the month brought the Orlando Coding Dojo to our school. The dojo consists of programmers of every level coming together for a couple of hours to work on one random exercise in a random language. We go by the “Test Driven Development” ideology. We start by discussing good tactics about structuring the objects and tests. Then pairs come up to the computer in five minutes intervals. The Pilot is the one on the keyboard while the Co-Pilot is the one talking him through it. We don’t focus on completing every single task just as much as we can. At the end talk about what went good and what could have been improved. I learned a lot and had a great time this month.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Month 12: Software Engineering and OpenGL

This month we learned software engineering, scripting, memory management and debugging techniques from Derek Hughes. We also learned OpenGL from the man who wrote the book, literally, Richard Wright. It was a tough month to get through because schedules get all screwed up around this time of the year. We had eight day straight weeks with four day breaks in between. We still learned a lot and the information was fresh in our heads when it came time for tests.
In Software Engineering we coded many useful applications and techniques. The Memory Manager let use organize and distribute our memory directly from the cache, it gave us a lot of practice using bytes and the memory window. We also made a File Archiver which allowed us to pack files into one large file saving on loading time. We used Lua to begin scripting and learned how to call functions at runtime.

In OpenGL we learned how to utilize the Rendering Interface to make 3D objects and write shaders to make cool materials. We rendered a lot every night from snowmen to solar systems to radars to ships and even molecules. We even learned how to use OpenGL to program for the iPhone. We had to make a project of our choosing throughout the month, I made Bad Mr. Frosty from Clayfighters with dissolving binary falling from the sky and an option for ludicrous speed.
I learned a whole bunch this month, the books were supper helpful and the teachers were very knowledgeable. Well it’s just going to get harder from here. Wish me luck guys, thanks.

Halo and Kinect

It’s been another crazy, high-pace month at Full Sail. Amongst the odd schedule which arose from GDC Austin, we had some guest speakers from Bungie and Microsoft. Kerry Allen and Christopher Willoughby presented their game, Kinect Adventures, which is going to be bundled with the device. It was cool seeing Kerry present because I had the pleasure of working with him in a game jam back in my first month. Josh Hamrick, a Bungie developer who worked on Halo: Reach, came and played with us in the auditorium.

Chris and Kerry showed us how a game utilizes Kinect with the tool program for skeleton tracking. They also showed us a demo of the technology with Kinect Adventures. They played through an adventure which consisted of mini-games like water rafting and an obstacle course. They also showed us how players can jump in and out of the screen and Kinect will sensor their body and bring in their avatar and even take pictures while the players are in funny poses. They also spoke about the importance of networking in the industry, a value which every speaker I have heard cannot stress enough.

Josh Hamrick spoke at the school but a lot of students had class during his presentation so he made it up to us by playing Reach with us the night before in the auditorium until early morning. We brought in huge televisions and Xboxes. We played many matches and fought bravely, but alas the mighty Hamrick (iamtylerdurden) foiled our attempts. Playing with my fellow classmates and teachers was a blast and a very rewarding experience. It was an awesome night I won’t soon forget and the most fun I had at school.

A Note on GDC and Networking:

Rob Coble held a meeting to brief students who were going to GDC. I attended the meetings because I plan on going to GDC at some point. He gave a lot of good tips on networking at huge events like GDC.

1. Ask Questions
2. Be Confident
3. Talk about yourself and connect with people
4. Socialize
5. Practice Professionalism and Respect
6. Don’t be a Swag whore
7. Don’t Linger and Hover around the same people
8. Don’t be dumbass and piss people off
9. Don’t be Shy
10. And most importantly, Have Fun

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Month 11: Structure of Game Production Part 2

This month we finished up our game, Spectrum. It was a long month with many struggles to pull through, but in the end we had an awesome game. Cooperating functionally as a team took some time to get used to, but we were able to work things out and not get hung up on blaming each other.
We encountered some hard to find bugs this month. We had a heap curroption which was caused by releasing a reference to the same object more times than nessesary. We also had installer version errors which was eventually tracked down to an overwritten function that was not declared virtual. During the second week of Sprint 4 we swaped games with another group in order to do testing. We had to write up bug reports for the team we were testing for and fix our own fair share of bugs.

On the last day we held an expo showcaseing our games. This was a great experiance because we knew that there were things wrong with our game but when people sat down to play it they had a lot of fun. A had a great time and learned a lot these last 2 months.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Month 10: Operating Systems and Structure of Game Production Part1

This month we had a lot of work. First in OPS, Gary Miller taught us how operating systems are designed and structured. He also introduced us to multithreaded programming. In SGP1 we began design and production on a group game called Spectrum. John O’Leske, Rob Martinez, Ron Powell and Sean Hathaway all lead us through industry standard production cycles while we put together this game from scratch.

In OPS, we learned about operating systems and how they use multithreaded programming in order to have seamless functionality and user interfaces. During Lecture Gary told us of the old ways computers functioned as well as their evolution and his experiences in the industry over the years. The book was a little hard to understand at times but the more you read the more it makes sense and the more ready you will be for the weekly quizzes and the final. In lab we tackled classic multithreaded problems which had Gary’s own modern twists. The “Dining-Philosophers” problem became the “Not Enough Alcohol at the Party” problem. We even got to work on Pong again except this time we set up multithreaded simulations of variable amounts of players and games.

In SGP1, we split up into groups of 4-5 people to work on games we prototyped in ROG. The class is broken up into sprints (2 weeks) were each team member is assigned user stories that they are responsible for getting down on time, the amount of user stories accomplished as well as effort determines how much money (fictional, represents grade) your team gets in the end of the sprint. The first 2 weeks were designing and documenting everything we wanted in our game. We had to be extremely descriptive using other products as examples. These documents ended up being more than 100 pages long which means we had little sleep during that sprint. The next 2 weeks were building tools we would use to create assets for our game. For Spectrum we had, Albert Jen doing the Tile Editor, Tyler Berry doing the Animation Editor, yours truly working on the Particle Editor and Mac Reichelt working in the code base to get our game up and running. We also had to spin the wheel of misfortune (a tool used to inject chaos into the class). We spun Dev Blog and Dress Code which meant that we had to keep a daily blog of our progress and now have to dress professionally when we show up for class. Other possible spins include Localization (to a foreign country) and Team Swap, switching a random team member with another team for the sprint.

I am looking forward to this month were we only have to worry about SGP it will be a lot of work and many hours not sleeping but I think we will have an awesome game when all is said and done.

Here are some pix of my Particle Editor:

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Month 9: Rules of the Game and Structure of Game Design

This month we got to make two games, one by ourselves in SGD and another with a group in ROG. We learned a great of what makes up a game including ways to increase the fun factor. In ROG Steve Vanzandt showed us how to use Game Maker to make prototypes and introduced us to Unity. In SGD David Brown (worked on the menu system in 50-Cent Bulletproof) showed us how to make professional games including menus, installers and a variety of other features.

In ROG I got put on a group with Vincent Biancardi and Kahran Ghosalkar. We all worked really hard all Month to make our game, Infestation. We split up the tasks evenly and remained as organized as possible. We had lots of chances to test our game on different groups of people to see the areas that we needed to focus on. We even got a chance to present our game and do postmortem at the end of the month. Two weeks into production Valve released Alien Swarm, we noticed how our game held many similarities to it and laughed about it the rest of the month. The game takes place in a radioactive town infested with giant insects. The player must maneuver their squad and use various weapons and formations to battle through hordes of insects. They must slaughter all to find a way out.

Paper Model

In SGD I had a chance to make a game on my own (with help from friends and instructors). I was inspired by the old Terminator Midway arcade game as well as The Matrix. So I made The Terminatrix (Terminator + The Matrix). Only at the end of the month did I bother to Google Terminatrix and found that the name had been taken by a Japanese soft-core porn movie about a robot dominatrix killing machine (Terminator + Dominatrix). Had I know that at the beginning of development I would have changed the name. So my advice is Google early, Google often. My game is a top-down shooter where you can search, shoot and blast your way through waves of enemies and obtain powerups along the way.

Friday, July 2, 2010

3 of My Favorite Games and Why I Enjoyed Them

Final Fantasy Tactics:

1. Micromanaging formation gives the player full control on the challenges increasing emersion.

2. Leveling up, learning abilities and mastering jobs rewards the player and keeps them wanting more.

3. Very extensive gameplay (50-80hrs) keeps them playing for a while.

4. Very cool and powerful characters reward the player’s hard work with rare items and attributes.

       5. Multiple strategies allows for the player to play through using and strategy they want.


1. Funny characters and story keep the player entertained and wanting more.

2. Cool powers and abilities give control and power to the player.

3. Exploring various worlds in peoples’ minds immerses the player and gives a wide variety of levels and challenges.

    4. Just-right balance of difficulty allows for any one, young or old, to play through the whole game without  losing interest.

5. Surreal themes with extreme colors give eye candy to the player and control their emotions while developing the theme.

Grand Theft Auto:

 1. Max freedom, min consequences gives the player absolute freedom and enjoyment.

2. Adult content and issues make the game feel more like real life, increasing emersion.

3. Variety of vehicles and weaponry allow for maximum fun and choices on what the player can use.

4. Mini-games / Side missions give the player extra quests to undertake if they wish.

5. Mission/Area variety keeps ever mission fresh and exciting and keeps them playing.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Month 8: DirectX & Software Architecture

I just got done with my eight month here at Full Sail. This month I had DirectX and Software Architecture. DirectX was hard but we learned a great deal. In Software Arch we began looking at whole systems and how to plan out our code. It seems as though the heat is being turned up from here on out and now the classes will get really intense.

In DirectX we learned to use the computer’s devices directly. Wendy taught us to implement sound, graphics and input. We learned how to get input from controllers, render mesh and terrain with lighting using shaders. The class was pretty difficult compared to our past classes but in turn we learned a lot more from the mistakes we made. Remembering physics and linear algebra will help out a lot. The midterm and finals are difficult but it’s important not to get discouraged. I came to realize that some of the things I was doing wrong came from the same mistakes so I learned to check a few things first whenever something went awry. Now I always ask myself “Is the syntax right?” “Is it spelled correctly?” “Is it being called?” and “What is it filled with? (Garbage? Null?)” whenever I start debugging.

In Software Arch Frosty taught us design patterns and how to make UML diagrams. We used Visual Paradigm to make UML diagrams such as class, sequence and case. We also learned design patterns like Singleton, Composite and Factory Method. We implemented these in lab by applying them to game code. We also learned about the different ways of developing a game like Waterfall, eXtreme and SCRUM.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Memento Design Pattern

Design patterns, when dealing with software architecture, utilize the different principles of object oriented programming such as abstraction, encapsulation and inheritance to solve design and structural problems and create more efficient code. One such pattern is Memento, and it can be a very useful one when applied to game design.

The memento pattern allows us to take a snapshot of an object and pass it off to another object for later reference. This is usually accomplished with three objects, the originator, the caregiver and the memento. The originator is the object which has the data we would like to save. The caregiver is the object acting on the originator and receives the snapshot of the originator. The memento is the black box between them which actually is the copy of the data.

To visualize this pattern better let’s compare it to backing up work which you are currently working on. In this example, the originator is the current file which has the data which needs to be backed up before it can be changed. The caregiver is you, the user, the one who will receive the duplicate and then continue to work and make changes to the original. The memento is the backup itself, a snapshot of the file, unaltered, ready to be reopened when need be.

The memento pattern utilizes encapsulation but can break it by accessing class variables directly with a memento class that is a friend of the caretaker or originator. It also utilizes abstraction and reusability by giving us a snapshot of an object at runtime. We can respond to a variety of situations depending on this data. This method is good for utilizing features similar to undo and redo, where reverting to a previous instance is desirable. It can also be used for simulations that require less randomness and more response to hard data.

In games this pattern can be used to implement saving the game by obtaining a memento containing the necessary data to reload the game from a specific point. Another method it can also be used for, in conjunction with the command pattern, is to stack commands and perform sets of actions the same way more than once. It can be used for memory and puzzle games to remember guesses and positions as well as combo counting.

When it comes to games, design patterns can be used in a variety of different ways, sometimes not in the same exact way as they were originally intended for. However this is what makes them a great asset in that we can pick, choose, mix and match what is right for a specific situation and put our own spin on it. So experiment with design patterns like memento and don’t feel bad if the first few times you can’t find a good way to use it. Learn from implementations but more importantly learn from trying and making mistakes.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Red Dead Redemption

To meet some of the developers who worked on this title would have remained just a dream for me. However, these great guys came back to the school that taught them so much to give students like me hope and advice. They touched on a variety of subjects, no stone left unturned. They talked about their influences movies, books and games. They talked about the issues they faced and how it’s impossible to make a perfect game. They also talked about how they deal with the long hours and the methods they use to relax.

They talked about the features and how they had to cut back on many ideas. The physical area of the game was just a quarter of their initial scope! They also mentioned how some of the best features just come about on a whim, like the beginning draw in multiplayer deathmatch. They talked about the benefits and struggles of using Rockstar’s internal engine, RAGE.

However most importantly they talked about how they were in our shoes just a few years ago. Some of them were friends and were able to vouch for each other when it came to their interview. But no matter how each individual got their opportunity to work at Rockstar their message was the same. Networking is the most important skill you can develop, and you should start sharpening it at school. They said no matter how much they work and argue about code at the end of the day they are doing what they love and can still go grab a beer with each other after work.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Month 7: 3D Content Creation & Windows Programming 2

Last month I had 3D Content Creation with Josh Fox and Windows Programming 2 with Chuck Rainey. We continue to learn new things everyday. In 3DCC we got a taste of the Artist's struggle when creating assets for games. In WP2 we learned how to make tools, such as tile editors, to help us create games.

3DCC started out with us learning the content pipeline and basic animation terms. We then got first hand experiance designing models with Maya and levels with Unreal Editor. These tools were very complex but we got a good grasp on their basics from modeling to animation to lighting to texturing. We even coded an exporter to get models from Maya mesh files.

We shifted gears in WP2. Where in WP1 we were focused on Windows based games, in WP2 we were more focused on creating tool to help in the development process. It was a nice change of pace from all the games and simulations we have been writing. It gave us a chance to learn a new skill and to create good self-made tools to have in our programming belts. We utilized the Windows Forms in order to do this and even made our own custom controls like a graphics panel and tool window.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Month 6: Windows Programming 1, Historical Archetypes and Mythology

Just finished up my 6th month at Full Sail. I am a quarter of the way done with my degree program. By now I am used to the workload and hours. This month we had Windows Programming 1 taught by Chuck Rainey and Rob Muscarella were we learned how to make C-Style Win32 Applications. We also had Historical Archetypes and Mythology taught by Pauline Pedersen and Mark Pursell were we learned many of the world’s great myths as well as how to analyze stories. Dave Arneson, the creator of Dungeons & Dragons, aided this class in design.

In Windows Programming 1 we got a chance to make some games like Tick-Tac-Toe and Pong. We had 2 weeks to make Pong and were encouraged to put our own spin on it either with a theme or gameplay. Many students used bitmaps, sprite sheets and special abilities of their favorite game. Others worked on unique AI, collision detection and physics. I implemented a picture guessing game as my Pong. For the final we had to fix a broken program and make Warcraft Risk.

Pongtionary - this is my version of pong where the player must reveal a picture by scoring points and then guess the picture.

In Historical Archetypes and Mythology we learned about creation myths, Joseph Campbell’s Hero Cycle and Archetypes. We got to find out our own Archetypes as well as come up with our own creation myth. We also had a chance turn our favorite heroes into antiheros and make a game that had the Hero Cycle. He learned about Shamanism, Celtic & Norse myths (Beowulf, Dagda the Good), Asian & Indian myths (Shinto, The Ramayana), Greek myths (The Odyssey), Middle Eastern myths (Gilgamesh, Osiris) as well as King Arthur, Heraldry and color symbolism.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Month 5: Data Structures, Flash Workshop and Ethics and Psychology

I just finished my fifth month at Full Sail. The classes are getting tougher but the material is also becoming more interesting. The drive to learn is pushing me farther along and making me enjoy the work that much more. I took a flash workshop on Sundays taught by Mike Arlington. He challenged us to make our own game by the end of the month and I am proud to say that I have finished the mechanics for mine (However, I am no artist and am in need of some better assets). He also taught us how to but our games online and make money off them.

I Crush Ur Head - This is my flash game where the player must click on the head of pedestrians in order to crush their heads. (inspired from the Kids In The Hall skit)

Rodney taught us data structures. He is a very cool guy who went through the course when he was younger. He gave hard tests that really pushed us to know the material. We would have to know how to draw the data structures and how all their operations functioned. Rodney kept us laughing throughout the month and gave us projects such as Simon and Boggle.

Lance “Doc” Percy taught us psychology. He told us that it could help us in three areas, character development, industry communication/marketing, and self-improvement. We learned about the three schools of western psychology. We also had to incorporate the theories we learned into characters as part of a story we wrote in groups. We took different kinds of personality tests and learned a lot about ourselves. We also discussed many movie and game characters as well as watched some funny, interesting videos.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Johnny Cupcakes

This past week I had the pleasure of attending a lecture by Johnny Cupcakes, at Full Sail Live. It was a great experience to hear his story and tips for running a business. Johnny said that there are different ways of thinking and making money but he always went with his gut and took lots of risks to bring him success. He also discussed many of his struggles and things he wished he had known when he was growing his business.

Johnny always wanted to do things himself, but soon found out that delegating tasks was an important part of growing with your business. He mentioned that going into business with friends was not always a good ides. He emphasized that “to make money, you have to spend money” and the more detail you put into the little things the more you build an experience that your clients will remember.

Johnny also emphasized the importance of first impressions, spending your time wisely (giving yourself extra time if needed), appealing to a wide audience, keeping your employees happy, ensuring your products longevity, location and utilizing your community (keeping it personal) and the Internet. We watched his webisodes off about the development and events at his stores. He mentioned that he has been able to keep people interested in his brand by making limited edition items and not selling out to large corporations. He exclaimed “people like what they can’t have” or what nobody has.

Johnny has done many promotions such as contests and sales. He has taken many risks, put work before play and has taken the not so common path but it has worked out for him greatly. He always wanted his customers to relive the past through his shirts and style. He loves what he does and will continue to grow his businesses. I have learned a lot and had a great time at the lecture, at the end he gave out prizes to students who could answer questions about old Nickelodeon shows.

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Month 4: Physics and Programming 3

I just finished my forth month at Full Sail. Half my class from last month did not pass those classes so my class for physics was about half in size, and there were some new faces in programming 3 those who took it last month and did not pass. As the work gets tougher it becomes harder to keep your grade at the point where you want it, however with increased studying, in office hours, before class with classmates or by one's self, the work does not seem unmanageable. And of course it helps if you love what you are learning.

We had Mr. Bahin again for physics and he still kept us laughing even though many students were falling asleep in his class due to the fact that the nights before we had class until 1am and had to be in his class by 9am (that's Full Sail for you). He taught us well and did not overload us with work. We had many simulations to program which included friction, gravity and collisions. The lab assistants were very helpful as usual.

For programming 3 we had Arthur Johnson, a very enthusiastic man who taught at UCF (University of Central Florida). He taught us a lot about what to do on interviews and how to be an efficient programmer during different situations. Everyday a question box would pop up, randomly, on the projector with a random student's name and generate a question based on the topics we covered the class before. If the student would get the question wrong they would lose ten GPS (Global Professionalism Standard) points. After the question, which were pretty difficult if the student did not study, the generator would produce a movie/game trivia question to lighten the mood back up. Each lad in PG3 would be based somewhat on the lab before that. This means that through the whole month we made a simple tank game and learned all the different implementations of what we could put in a game from cheat flags to sound to cell based images and even high score displays. Also if you are going into PG3 be ready to learn a lot about file input/output.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Month 3: Linear Algebra, Programming 2 and my first Global Game Jam

In linear algebra we learned the basics of how math applies to programming in games. We had to make transformation simulations, among others, and our own vector and matrix math functions library. The lab assistants were very helpful as usual. Our professor, Richard Bahin, was very knowledgeable and always made the class fun and interesting giving us real world examples and telling us what we need to know when we apply for industry jobs.

Programming 2 was more complicated than programming 1 but we learned a lot more about classes and dynamic memory. Our professor, Justin Tackett, would give us assignments to make programs that one would find in games. We always had a great time coming up with hilarious spells for Wizard characters like "Summon Beans" and the such. The lab techs were awesome as well.

In my first Global Game Jam I worked with a team of 7 other people, from artists to programmer to producers and designers, to make a game in 48 hours. Our team "Lost Sheep" worked very hard for the duration of the jam everyone got along with each other and we were able to produce an awseome, working game in the end, "Shogun's Shadow". It is a side scrolling 2 player platformer were the goal is to be the first ninja to kill the shogun by avoiding the lights and decapatating him.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Otronicon 2010

I just came back from my first gaming/technology convention, Otronicon at the Orlando Science Center. After killing some zombies in Left 4 Dead in the LAN room, my friends and I got to experience the birth of videogames by playing Pong on a genuine Atari 2600.

Next, we went to the second level. The first exhibit we saw was the Evolution of the Mac. They had old Macintosh computers all lined up on a shelf. We also saw a dancing fountain that made water dance to music. We even got to meet the programmer.

Afterwards, we jammed out at the Rock Band Experience. An auditorium set up with stage and Rock Band equipment. The game was projected on a large screen behind the band; each player had his or her own monitor, as well. The game had many songs to choose from, our band, The Grim Pirates, did In Bloom by Nirvana.

There were many flight simulations from helicopters to jets with realistic cockpits and controls.

There were driving simulations as well. PHENIX Design Group, Inc made one were they actually used a real Scion V8 and put in a seat that would simulate driving more realistically with movement. Another one was made by Full Sail it was called Stunt Racer. This simulation would let the player drive ridiculously fast, make insane jumps and drive up walls while still reacting like a real car.

 Lockheed Martin had some touch screen tables with games like Simon Says and Tick-Tak-Toe as well as a cool robotics team game controlled from computers. Google Earth also had a cool table to look anywhere in the world.

There was also Medical Sim City, which had the latest in medical technology for training surgeons and nurses. Such as the da Vinci machine, a stitching trainer, a simulated patient and wireless conferencing for doctors during procedures.
The military was also present to show off their training simulations. These included M-16s with air cartridges to make realistic recoil, a game that lets you pilot any military vehicle in a virtual world and a robot that could be controlled with a Wii-Remote.

Other cool exhibits included a giant chessboard, a painting simulation which was pretty close to the real thing and of course a costume contest which means you will find a storm trooper.

 The third floor had the Artronica Gallery which had a lot of nice art made by students at Full Sail including character sculptures. One artist showed us how he made his work in Maya. Inspired we signed up for a 3D animation workshop and got to play around with some pretty cool characters.

The forth floor had some older games and also had the best new games available. There were tournaments in games like Super Smash Bros. They had the new Super Mario Bros for the Wii as well as Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Uncharted 2: Among Theives, and Tekken 6. We ended our day with on online interview with some game developers at Armor Game. They told us valuable information on what it takes to make a great flash game and how to deal with crazy schedules in the industry.

Overall I had a great day and I owe it to Full Sail  for giving me the day off of school to check our their event. It was an awesome experience and I cannot wait to go to more conventions. I learned a lot today, but one thing for certain, if their is a will and a need for the technology, no matter what that need is, there will be someone solving the problem and coming up with creative and innovative solutions.